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Calling - Wherever You Will Go, аккорды

The Calling
Album: Camino Palmero
Song: Wherever You Will Go
Tabbed by: Andy J Whiteway

There's so many tabs of this I thought i'd finally put an end to all the
differences and make one based on all of them! This is about as correct 
as it's gonna get and contains all the little fills in the song, enjoy!

Capo second fret (un-capo'ed version is bellow). Standard tuning in both cases.



Chorus: In the chorus the bass part of the chord is played
then the open strings of the chord are accenuated:
(or you can just strum it :
). e-------0-0-------0-0-------0-0-------1-1-1---------- b-------1-1-------1-1-------1-1-------1-1-1---------- g----0--0-0-----0-0-0-----0-0-0-------4-4-4---------- d----2--2-2-----x-x-x-----2-2-2---3-3-3-3-3---------- a----3--3-3-----2-2-2-----0-0-0---3-3---------------- e---------------------------------1-1---------------- here's a little acoustic fill that comes in during the second verse and sounds better on the capo'd acoustic: If a Great Wave shall fall......... e------------------------------------0-0-0-0-0- b---1-1-1-1-1--3-3-3-3-3--1-1-1-1-1--1-1-1-1-1- g---0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2- d---2-2-2-2-2--x-x-x-x-x--2-2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3-3- a---3-3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0------------ e---------------------------------------------- Middle: no special way to play this, just play it LOUD! e---0-0--1-1--3-3--0-0------------- b---1-1--1-1--3-3--0-0------------- g---2-2--2-2--0-0--0-0------------- d---2-2--3-3--0-0--2-2------------- a---0-0--3-3--2-2--2-2---x2-------- e--------1-1--3-3--0-0------------- Play the verse then the chorus. Outro: You can keep playing the chorus but I think it sounds good if you throw in the 2nd verse fill as well, try it and see what you think. End on: e--0--0--1---- b--1--1--1---- g--0--0--4---- d--2--x--3---- a--3--2--3---- e--------1---- Second guitar (no capo) Standard tuning. Ok i'm assuming Aaron doesn't play it with a Capo, because he doesn't in the Video and he didn't when they did WYWG on Leno. If you wanna play the beginning all you need to do is make a barre on the 2nd fret and use your other fingers to shape the chords. here is the rest! Guitar comes in at 0:17 Clean guitar Slight distortion. e----------------------------------------5--- b-----10-~-------------------------------5--- g--------------------9-------7-~---------7--- d----------------------------------------7--- a----------------------------------------5--- e----------------------------------------5--- Clean (listen to the cd to get all the timings right) e---------------------------------------------3333- b----5--------7--------7------10------7-------3333- g------7--------7-------7--------9--7----7----4444- d--7-------7--------7-----7-------------------5555- a---------------------------------------------5555- e---------------------------------------------3333- e---2-2-2-2---2-2-2-2---2-2-2-2---3-3-3-3------ b---3-3-3-3---3-3-3-3---3-3-3-3---3-3-3-3------ g---2-2-2-2---2-2-2-2---4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4------ d---0-0-0-0---x-x-x-x---4-4-4-4---5-5-5-5------ a-------------4-4-4-4---2-2-2-2---5-5-5-5------ e---------------------------------3-3-3-3------ after chorus repeat the verse fills (that vary slightly) then do the chorus again and go into the middle: e--2-2--3-3--5-5--2-2----------- b--3-3--3-3--5-5--2-2----------- g--4-4--4-4--6-6--2-2----------- d--4-4--5-5--7-7--4-4----------- a--2-2--5-5--7-7--4-4------x2--- e-------3-3--5-5--2-2----------- at the outro Aaron just plays this octave continuously: (hard to hear i know, but it's def. there) e------------- b------------- g---15-------- d----x-------- a---12-------- e------------- And end on: e---------3----- b--7---7--3----- g--7---7--4----- d--7---7--5----- a--5---4--5----- e---------3----- Well I hope this puts it all to rest :), comments, corrections, [email protected]