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Rush - Between The Wheels, аккорды

Rush: Between the Wheels
>From the album Grace Under Pressure (Mercury Records)
Copyright 1984 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lee and Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart

Comments/corrections to Sean Jones 

Transcribed by Don Dianetti and Sean Jones

tuning (
) h q e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e h e e e+ ------|-----r-------r---|-----r-------r---|-----r-----------|-----------|--- ------|-----e-------e---|-----e-------e---|-----e-----------|-----3-2---|--- ------|---5-s-5-5-5-s-5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-3-|---3-s-3-3-5-3---|---------5-|--- 0-0-0-|-----t-------t---|-----t-------t---|-----t---------5-|---5-------|--- e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e -----r-------r---|-----r-------r---|-----r-----------|-----------------|------ -----e-------e---|-----e-------e---|-----e-----------|-----------3-2---|------ ---5-s-5-5-5-s-5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-3-|---3-s-3-3-5-3---|---------------5-|------ -----t-------t---|-----t-------t---|-----t---------5-|---5-5-5-5-------|------ e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e --r-------r---|-----r-------r---|-----r-----------|-----------------|------- --e-------e---|-----e-------e---|-----e-----------|-----------3-2---|------- 5-s-5-5-5-s-5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-3-|---3-s-3-3-3-3---|---------------5-|---5--- --t-------t---|-----t-------t---|-----t---------5-|---5-5-5-5-------|------- e h e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e s s e+ e e e e e ----------|-----r-------r---|-----r-------r---|-----r---------r---|----------- ----------|-----e-------e---|-----e-------e---|-----e---------e---|----------- --------5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-3-|---3-s-3-3-5-3-s---|----------- 0-0-3-5---|-----t-------t---|-----t-------t---|-----t---------t-5-|---5-5-5-5- e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ ------|-----r-------r---|-----r-------r---|-----r-----------|------------------- 3-2---|-----e-------e---|-----e-------e---|-----e-----------|-----------3-2----- ----5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-3-|---3-s-3-3-5-3---|---------------5--- ------|-----t-------t---|-----t-------t---|-----t---------5-|---5-5-5-5--------- e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e s s e+ q e e e e e e+ e |-----r-------r---|-----r-------r---|-----r---------r---|---------------|----- |-----e-------e---|-----e-------e---|-----e---------e---|---------3-2---|----- |---5-s-5-5-5-s-5-|---5-s-5-5-5-s-3-|---3-s-3-3-5-3-s---|-------------5-|----- |-----t-------t---|-----t-------t---|-----t---------t-5-|---5-5-5-------|----- h+Q e+ e q e e e e e+ e q e e e e e+ e q e e e e e+ e s s e e e s
e+ -------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------r---------|---- -------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---2-2-2-e-2-2-2---|---- -----5-|---5-5-5-3-0---|---------------|---------------|---------s-------5-|---- -------|-------------3-|---3-2-3-5-7-5-|---5-5-5-7-5-2-|---------t---------|---- e q e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e e e e e e e e+ e q e ---------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|---------- ---------------|-----------------|---5-5---5-7-5---|---------2-3-2---|---------- ---5-5-5-3-0---|-----------------|-------5-------7-|---7-7-3-------5-|---5-5---- -------------3-|---3-3-2-3-5-7-5-|-----------------|-----------------|---------- e e e e+ e e e e e e e+ e q e e e e e+ e s s e e e s
e+ --------|-----------------|---------------|---------r---------|--- --------|-----------------|---------------|---2-2-2-e-2-2-2---|--- 5-3-0---|-----------------|---------------|---------s-------5-|--- ------3-|---3-3-2-3-5-7-5-|---5-5-5-7-5-2-|---------t---------|-- e q e e e e e+ |---------------|--- |---------------|--- |---5-5-5-3-0---|--- |-------------3-|--- e e e e e e e e
h e+ h+Q e+ h+Q e+ h+Q e+ h+Q e+ h+ -----------------|-------------|---------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------ -----------------|-5-5---5-----|-5-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------ -----------------|-------------|---------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------ ---3-3-2-3-5-7-5-|-----5---5-5-|---5-5-3-|-----5-|-----2-|-----3-|-----3-|------ h+Q e w e e e e e e e e+ w e h+Q e Q e Q e Q e e e e+ w 4x -------|---|---------r---r---|---|-------|---------|-------------||-----||------ -------|---|---------e---e---|---|-------|---------|-------------||*---*||------ -------|---|---------s---s---|---|-------|---------|-------------||*---*||------ -----0-|-0-|-0-0-0-0-t-0-t-0-|---|-0-0---|-0-0-0-0-|-0-0-0-0-0-0-||-----||------ Notes bracketed by should be played on a synth. ============================================================================== == TABLATURE ЕХРLАNАТIОN == ============================================================================== ---------- ---------- ----t--- ----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost ----6--- Tap ---------- ---------- Note -------- ----5p8--- Pulloff ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -----p-- ----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead -----7-- Pop ---------- ---------- Note --s----- ----58--- Slide Down ---------- --5----- Slap ---------- ||------|| Repeat -------- ----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*|| ---5^--- Bend ---------- ||*----*|| -------- ---------- ||------|| -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -4:------- Time ---------- -------- -4:------- Signature ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- Rhythm: w = whole note W = dotted whole h = half note
= dotted half q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter e = eighth note
= dotted eighth s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth t = 32nd note T = dotted 32nd x = 64th note X = dotted 64th ^ = triplet ================================================================== == Created with a demo version of BUCKET О' TAB == == tablature creation software for Windows == == For more info email [email protected] == ==================================================================