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Blink 182 - Go, аккорды

Blink 182 - GO
Tabbed by TJF ([email protected])
for Electric Guitar

For more Punk Rock / J-Rock tabs, please visit

*** UPDATED! Final ALBUM version! (Not leaked Demo version)

*** Actual number of strums not shown, please listen to the song for this.

*** Yes, the chords are played high up the fretboard with roots on the 
string. You can tell by the tone of the chord. I'm sure plenty of idiots will release tabs with roots on the
string and argue that theirs are better, but try it both ways and you'll see that this way best resembles the way it is played on the album. Also, there are videos of Tom playing it this way. *** There are two guitars playing in the interlude, unlike in the Demo version. Intro: e|---------------------| B|---------------------| D|-9999------9999------| G|-9999-3333-9999-3333-| A|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| E|-8888-1111-8888-1111-| Verse: e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| G|-10-10-9/12-12-3-3-3-3-| A|-x--x--x-x--x--x-x-x-x-| E|-8--8--7/10-10-1-1-1-1-| x2 Chorus Part
: e|---------------------| B|---------------------| D|---------------------| G|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| A|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| E|-5555-1111-5555-1111-| GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO Repeat Intro: e|---------------------| B|---------------------| D|-9999------9999------| G|-9999-3333-9999-3333-| A|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| E|-8888-1111-8888-1111-| Verse: e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| G|-10-10-9/12-12-3-3-3-3-| A|-x--x--x-x--x--x-x-x-x-| E|-8--8--7/10-10-1-1-1-1-| x2 Chorus Part
: e|---------------------| B|---------------------| D|---------------------| G|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| A|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| E|-5555-1111-5555-1111-| GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO Guitar 1 Interlude (Slide these chords): e|------------------------------| B|------------------------------| D|-5-7-9-55-4-5-7-5--5-7-55-3/5-| G|-x-x-x-xx-x-x-x-x--x-x-xx-x-x-| A|-3-5-7-33-2-3-5-3--3-5-33-1/3-| E|------------------------------| Guitar 2 Interlude (Palm Muted): e|---------------------| B|---------------------| D|-5555------5555------| G|-5555-3333-5555-3333-| A|-3333-3333-3333-3333-| E|------1111------1111-| PM .... .... .... .... Lots of feedback from Guitar 1, then play: e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------| G|----------------7-------------------| A|----------------7-------------------| E|----------------5-------------------| (Pickslide then just before 'I don't wanna know') Chorus Part
: e|---------------------| B|---------------------| D|---------------------| G|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| A|-7777-3333-7777-3333-| E|-5555-1111-5555-1111-| Outro: e|--------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------| D|-9999-5/7/9/10-9999-5/7/9/10-9999-5/7/9/10-9999---| G|-9999-x-x-x-x--9999-x-x-x-x--9999-x-x-x-x--9999-3-| A|-7777-3/5/7/8--7777-3/5/7/8--7777-3/5/7/8--7777-3-| E|-6666----------6666----------6666----------6666-1-| Lyrics: Are we all victims of opportunity, Locked outside the door back in '83, I heard the angry voice from the man inside, And saw the look of fear in my mother's eyes. Go! Go! Go! Go! I donЃft wanna know, I donЃft wanna know. Mom get in the car, and let's drive away, She said I'm sorry Mark, but thereЃfs nowhere to stay, Gave my father a hug, then went back inside, With her broken heart, and then the engine died. Go! Go! Go! Go! I donЃft wanna know, I donЃft wanna know. Why do evil men get away with it, Can't you see that I'm in a world of shit, Give up all your hope and go back inside, And stop my bleeding heart and then the engine died. I donЃft wanna know, I donЃft wanna know. Go! Go! Go! Go!